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[TotAN] Come, wanderers, and let me tell you a tale...
Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2020 2:23 pm
by Void Chicken
Obligatory horse art
They say that everyone is the hero of their own story. And there so many stories to tell. But you are not here to listen to mine. No, I will help you recount yours.
Together we will tell our
Tales of the Arabian Nights. I shall require at least three of you to share in our collective tale, and at most perhaps six.
Many of you, perhaps all of you may not have ever told your stories in such a way, and I completely understand. Not to worry, I will guide you through your tellings.
I must remind you all that life is not fair. You will find others facing unearned triumphs and yourself facing undue hardships. I pray that you do not become too despondent over how your story may go, and that you always look to the future for hope. Enjoying your story is more important than having the best, I feel.
One more thing before we begin. Every story is shaped by the culture that it was written in. All cultures have their virtues and their problems. I hope that your stories remain enjoyable, even if issues might arise.
We shall start this story at the beginning. It is as good a place as any. You are a poor yet devout Muslim on your first journey away from your home in Baghdad, the City of Peace. Please tell me about yourself, along with an image of your face.
Ah, and do not give a reason for your departure, not yet. I have a few in mind I shall be giving out. But please feel free to fill in whatever gaps I provide in your upcoming tale with the goings on of you and your caravan.
Re: [TotAN] Come, wanderers, and let me tell you a tale...
Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2020 2:23 pm
by Void Chicken
Acting & Disguise
Bargaining & Evaluation
Courtly Graces
Enduring Hardship
Quick Thinking
Seamanship (you may always move at least 4 by sea)
Stealth & Stealing
Weapon Use
Wilderness Lore
Gain 1 Skill at Talent level when you first reach 5 Story points.
Wealth Levels
Beggar: 3 move (2 sea)
Penniless: 3 move (2 sea)
Poor: 3 move (2 sea)
Respectable: 4 move
Rich: 4 move
Princely: 5 move (3 land)
Fabulous: 6 move (2 land)
Gain 1 Wealth (Max Respectable) when you first reach 3 Story points.
You must keep at least 1 Treasure to be Fabulously wealthy.
If you are Princely and have at least 1 Treasure, any Wealth increase will take you to Fabulous, even if there is a lower maximum stated.
Re: [TotAN] Come, wanderers, and let me tell you a tale...
Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2020 5:31 pm
by Mechanical Ape
I am
Yafa the merchant! There are some who call me the most honest merchant in Baghdad, but of course I would never make such a claim for God has made me a humble man. Indeed I am too humble for my own happiness, alas! My compassionate heart can never bear to offer less than the best possible deal. Therefore I lose money on every sale, and it brings such grief to my wife! Yet this is my curse. So you see that my poverty is excellent proof of the bargain you are receiving on this bushel of wool. I beg you, do not make it two bushels! No! I shall be destitute! Oh, how my wife will cry!
Can I interest you in five?
Re: [TotAN] Come, wanderers, and let me tell you a tale...
Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2020 7:17 pm
by Void Chicken
Yafa, you have gained the opportunity to court the Princess, but two others are vying for her hand in marriage as well. The Sultan therefore has devised a contest. Whomever brings him the greatest treasure will become his son-in-law. You have set out to collect the most valuable treasure you can find, so that you may marry her.
...Perhaps do not tell your wife until after you have the treasure in hand.
Re: [TotAN] Come, wanderers, and let me tell you a tale...
Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2020 8:00 pm
by Mechanical Ape
What wife? Oh yes, the one that I have. Yes. Of course. You are quite correct. Thank you.