So I had my HRT appointment today.
1) The doctor wants me to get a letter from my therapist before she will write the prescriptions. However, she already took my blood work and made an appointment to see me again in 4 months, so I'm assuming that means she fully intends to write the prescriptions anyway.
2) During the appointment, she did the standard "stethoscope breathing" thing, and when she put it on my chest, she asked "you haven't started hormones yet have you?" I said "No whatever is there is pre-everything". For reference, if I did the measuring right, I'm a 42B currently.
3) I asked her about progesterone later on, and she said "a few years ago I would have said yes, but there have been studies recently that point to trans women having a higher risk of cardiovascular disease if they take progesterone, so right now I'd say I wouldn't recommend it". But yeah her response was basically "too much risk, not enough reward".
4) She recommended that I do the estradiol patches instead of the pills, because my Crohn's makes me more susceptible to blood clots, and so do the estradiol pills. But apparently the patches don't. So I'll do the patches. I think she's just going to do the regular Spiro as well.
So mostly positive. My therapist said she will write my letter sometime next week, so it won't be much longer now.