Everyone who ordered Add-Ons from the BGP Kickstarter should've gotten some special stuff in the mail recently, or can at least expect it to show up before March 1st.
(If not, double check your address listed on Kickstarter and let ol' Tony Yotes know if there's been a mixup.)
It's been so nice to see the posts of people opening up their packages and we can't wait for the next wave with all the international ones and the PILE of T-Shirts to come!
With this stage of order fulfillment complete we're also free to let the ol' Shopify site hibernate for a while. It's currently been burning fuel in the company wallet for a while, we'd basically need to sell at least 2 shirts a month to keep it sustained, but that's not been happening for at least a year now. So we're changing things up to a more sustainable model where folks who really want it can still get it, without any extra cost to the YotesMark studio!

Our New RedBubble Shop is where you can get BGP merch from now on!
(Which is nice because they handle all the orders, inventory, and shipping stuff so we don't have to pay up and reach out to different websites every time an order is placed.

Just pop over there and see all the crazy stuff they've got with our ponies' faces on 'em. It's a greater variety of stuff than we could ever manage by ourselves!

And you can expect a lot more where that came from once the other T-Shirt designs are done and the game is finally out there.
In the meantime, thanks for making all this possible by following the development of Battle Gem Ponies!